The Hoosier Heritage Conference is an association of eight high schools in East Central Indiana, which compete in athletics and academics. The HHC sponsors championships in 20 sports and three academic competitions.
The HHC was founded in 1993 with charter members Hamilton Southeastern, Greenfield-Central, Mt. Vernon, New Palestine, Pendleton Heights and Rushville. Athletic competition began with 16 sports in the 1993-94 school year.
Delta and Shelbyville joined the conference in 1996 to bring the membership to eight.
Hamilton Southeastern departed the conference in 1998.
In 1999, Yorktown joined the league to again bring membership to eight.
In 2013, New Castle joined the HHC and Rushville departed the league. New Castle competed for HHC titles in sports with individual meet championships in 2013, and in all sports in 2014.
The current membership of the HHC has won 27 IHSAA team state championships – 15 of which were won by active HHC members – and numerous individual state championships. Most recently, Yorktown (volleyball) and New Palestine (softball) won IHSAA team state titles in the 2016-17 season.
2017-18 officers
President: Chris Walker, New Castle
Vice president: Shane Osting, New Castle
President-elect: Keith Fessler, New Palestine
Vice president-elect: Allen Cooper, New Palestine
Secretary: Allen Cooper, New Palestine
Treasurer: Shane Osting, New Castle
Handbook: Allen Cooper, New Palestine
Academic coordinator: Jill Slinker, Greenfield-Central
Sports information director: Andrew Smith, New Palestine
Boys all-sports champions
2016-17: Mt. Vernon
2015-16: Mt. Vernon
2014-15: Pendleton Heights
2013-14: Greenfield-Central
2012-13: Greenfield-Central
2011-12: Pendleton Heights
2010-11: Pendleton Heights
2009-10: Mt. Vernon
2008-09: Yorktown
2007-08: New Palestine
2006-07: New Palestine
2005-06: New Palestine
2004-05: Pendleton Heights
2003-04: Pendleton Heights
2002-03: Pendleton Heights
2001-02: Delta
2000-01: Delta
1999-2000: Yorktown
1998-99: Delta
1997-98: Delta
1996-97: Pendleton Heights
1995-96: Hamilton Southeastern
1994-95: Hamilton Southeastern
1993-94: Hamilton Southeastern
Girls all-sports champions
2016-17: New Palestine
2015-16: New Palestine
2014-15: Pendleton Heights
2013-14: Pendleton Heights
2012-13: Pendleton Heights
2011-12: Mt. Vernon
2010-11: Mt. Vernon
2009-10: New Palestine
2008-09: Pendleton Heights
2007-08: Pendleton Heights
2006-07: Pendleton Heights
2005-06: New Palestine
2004-05: Delta, New Palestine
2003-04: Delta
2002-03: Delta
2001-02: Delta
2000-01: Delta
1999-2000: Delta
1998-99: Mt. Vernon
1997-98: Mt. Vernon
1996-97: Hamilton Southeastern
1995-96: Hamilton Southeastern
1994-95: Pendleton Heights
1993-94: Pendleton Heights
All-Academic champions
2016-17: Shelbyville
2015-16: Greenfield-Central
2014-15: Greenfield-Central
2013-14: Greenfield-Central
2012-13: Shelbyville
2011-12: New Palestine
2010-11: New Palestine
2009-10: New Palestine
2008-09: Shelbyville
2007-08: Shelbyville
2006-07: Shelbyville
2005-06: Shelbyville
2004-05: Shelbyville, Yorktown
2003-04: Shelbyville
2002-03: Yorktown
2001-02: Rushville
2000-01: Pendleton Heights
1999-2000: Pendleton Heights
1998-99: Pendleton Heights
1997-98: Pendleton Heights
1996-97: Rushville
1995-96: Pendleton Heights
1994-95: Pendleton Heights
1993-94: Greenfield-Central